that's "2 'l's as in 'all'"

See how dow royle DEFAME their customers.  It could be YOU.
Why do they hide behind one-way glass and lock their door during the work day?

Find the cheapest 1300 and 1800 phone numbers; marketing; free 1300 numbers; free 1300 phone numbers; free 1800 phone numbers; free 1800 numbers; 1300 numbers, cheap 1300 numbers, cheapest 1300 number service, 1300 phone numbers, - Cheap 1300 & 1800 Numbers & Calls, Get A Free Business Listing ; hitcity ; ; ;  "We Have What You Want!  Cheap Australia Wide  1300 Number and 1800 Number  1300 Number and 1800 Number Call Rates"

This here in red is the spin [and Google keywords] of dow royle et al.

Find the cheapest 1300 and 1800 phone numbers; marketing; free 1300 numbers; free 1300 phone numbers; free 1800 phone numbers; free 1800 numbers; 1300 numbers, cheap 1300 numbers, cheapest 1300 number service, 1300 phone numbers, Cheap-1300-numbers{dot} - Cheap 1300 & 1800 Numbers & Calls, Get A Free Business Listing ; hitcity ; dowroyle{dot} ; dowroyle{dot} ;  "We Have What You Want!  Cheap Australia Wide  1300 Number and 1800 Number  1300 Number and 1800 Number Call Rates"

Simply Put, Our Rates Sell Themselves ; Quick Summary Plan Selection Comparison Chart ;

They advertise, but beware: "Dow Royle Telecommunications specialises in telecommunication reverse charges networks across Australia" and "assessing the quality of it's online and offline advertising campaigns".  hitcity and telcoworx [telco worx] are other business names they use.

BEFORE YOU APPLY PLEASE CHOOSE A 1300 OR 1800 NUMBER from the list of immediately available 1300 numbers and 1800 numbers by clicking here.   Apply Now!

The above in red is the spin [and Google keywords] of dow royle et al. [Google will read it ALL.] These are the lies that they are promulgating. Believe it at your peril: BEWARE of these financial BULLIES.

BEWARE of Dow Royle and their "BILLING PLATFORM".
These, in the photo above, are the office premises of DOW ROYLE [or DOWROYLE  is it], at 87 Webster Road, Stafford, Brisbane, photographed at 4 minutes past mid-day, Thursday 1st May, 2008.  This was a working day.   Their Office door was LOCKED at that time, and is perpetually locked.  They unlock the door to allow a "select" number of people in or out and then immediately relock the door.  The door and panel above it are one-way mirrors and the rest of the glass in the front of their office is opaque smoked glass.  It was impossible to see anything inside the building except to just see the ceiling lights illuminated through the glass, at this time. 

One Neil Royle is the name associated with ASIC registrations of the corporations mentioned on their website.  

Our intention is to expose their business practices and the business and entities, like Bill Buddy Pty Ltd, who give them support.  If dow royle are put out of business, we believe the world will be a better place, for that alone. 

They state on their website, "Having secured the rights to the use of a billing platform, Dow Royle Telecommunications quickly grew through ... "  That billing platform is/was through Bill Buddy Pty Ltd.    It is a LOADED GUN.

We hereby call upon Bill Buddy Pty Ltd to cancel and withdraw the right of dow royle et al to use the billing platform established by Bill Buddy Pty Ltd. 
  Russell Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA  {PHP email Contact:}

Dow royle decided they could ride rough shod over everyone.  People objected to being ripped off.  
So dow royle set up a page on their website defaming those people.  These parasites are simply out  of control.  They should be out of business. For them to be behaving this way like school yard bullies, they are clearly on the way out of business.   They have been using the LOADED GUN of the BILLING PLATFORM of Bill Buddy Pty Ltd to simply rip-off and defraud their clients when ever they wish to do so.

See what others have said
, and these are not all.  There are more. 

With that "billing platform" and the credit card numbers and bank account BSB and account number for many customers, they were able to run up charges on the credit cards of many customers and just dip into the bank accounts of many other customers with the Direct Debit "approvals".   Effectively their "liquidity" or "solvency" was that of other people and entities, whose accounts they could raid.   [As an aside, we believe that payment via these "billing platforms" is fundamentaly flawed as proven by the actions of Dow Royle.  We shall be campaigning for its being BANNED.  It is a LOADED GUN.  Juatas Australia has BANNED ALL GUNS post the Port Arthur massacre, so Bill Buddy "billing platforms" should be banned as they are used by shonks to defraud other Australians.  We will research the entities to benefit and  establish an association with them.]

When customers wised up to dow royle, and cancelled their credit cards, dow royle would  still attempt to charge those credit cards.  The attempt would be rejected and so dow royle would charge a "dishonour fee" of $45.00.  With the associated Account receivable, that made them look more profitable and liquid/solvent.

The character of people who would operate like this is that of a bully.  In true bully form, they set about defaming any person who chose to take them on, [like complaining to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) which we reckon is pretty pointless anyway], in an attempt to be treated fairly.   Dow royle called their defamation of their victims as "free speech". 

Now, the SHONKS  and  SHYSTERS!!

BEWARE of DowRoyle and their "BILLING PLATFORM".

What is Allstralian?  What does it mean?
Philosophy of this site!

Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia. Skype: russellmathews  
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL the Publisher:

The benefits of advertising in our journals.

Find the cheapest 1300 and 1800 phone numbers; marketing; free 1300 numbers; free 1300 phone numbers; free 1800 phone numbers; free 1800 numbers; 1300 numbers, cheap 1300 numbers, cheapest 1300 number service, 1300 phone numbers, - Cheap 1300 & 1800 Numbers & Calls, Get A Free Business Listing ; hitcity ; ; ;  "We Have What You Want!  Cheap Australia Wide  1300 Number and 1800 Number  1300 Number and 1800 Number Call Rates"

Simply Put, Our Rates Sell Themselves ; Quick Summary Plan Selection Comparison Chart ;

They advertise, but beware: "Dow Royle Telecommunications specialises in telecommunication reverse charges networks across Australia" and "assessing the quality of it's online and offline advertising campaigns".  hitcity and telcoworx are other business names they use.

BEFORE YOU APPLY PLEASE CHOOSE A 1300 OR 1800 NUMBER from the list of immediately available 1300 numbers and 1800 numbers by clicking here.   Apply Now!

The above in red is the spin of dow royle et al.  These are the lies that they are promulgating. Believe it at your peril: BEWARE of these financial BULLIES.  

BEWARE of Dow Royle and their "BILLING PLATFORM".


aAustralian Law Publishers
Pty Ltd ACN 010 615 933 [AuLP]

Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia. 
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL the Publisher:

Philosophy of this site!
There are too many shonks, shysters and just plain crooks and criminals ripping-off/defrauding consumers, other businesses and others.   I doubt that there is anyone who has not experienced it themselves.  That turns some into doing it themselves.   I am trained and experienced in Law and Accounting/business.  With that background, I can understand the reason that courts, lawyers/solicitors, and complaints to authorities and "ombudsmen" are useless and a waste of your time and money. 

New technology means these shonks and shysters have new and extra ways of ripping-off consumers and customers.  In particular, this includes these new "billing platforms"  of credit card and direct payments systems worked out in colaboration with a compliant bank, where the shonks can bill you excessively for their "services".  They have your money while you argue about the charge. Their bank treats it as "cleared funds" until it is finally reversed, at which time they dip into someone elses Credit Card or direct debit. These shysters treat your credit card and direct payment details as their little piggy bank, into which they can dip when ever the need arises, so as to appear to stave off insolvency.   When the inevitable bankruptcy occurs, the victims still arguing become "unsecured creditors", and the Shysters walk away with huge "salaries", and start again.

The Internet is used by these shonks to "market" their frauds, [which they will, without doubt term "misunderstandings", when they are finally cornered and can not divert you any longer].  The Internet, by this, our site and no doubt by many more that will appear, will be the means of their undoing and putting them out of business: the sooner the better.

Many use high Google rankings of their sites to attract customers/victims.   We have very good Google rankings.  We intend to use these to "intercept" the inquiries that they would otherwise have received by their high Google rankings.  We can warn those customers off those shonks.    Since those customers, will be seeking a service or product that is supposedly "offered" by the shonk, we plan to have arranged honest and genuine suppliers of that service.  On some, we may have arranged "affiliate commissions" but that will be fully disclosed.  Many customers who have been saved from these shonks may feel inclined to see such as their appreciation to us for having saved them from the shonks.  There are so many shonks and fraudsters ripping off people, we will not need to invent any.   We expect to be kept busy just keeping up with the worst of the shonks.

So that the defrauded customers, will just "cut their losses" and allow the fraudster to retain the fraudulent gains, and the victims not cause a fuss, these shonks then use chat rooms on the Internet to defame those customers and cast aspersions upon their businesses, in such a public way so as to dissuade other victims of theirs from causing a "problem" for them. 

Well, we at :  SHONKS and SHYSTERS EXPOSED: detest fraudsters with a passion.  


Allstralian is the adjective from the noun Allstralia. What is Allstralia? It is best explained by reference to the word and concept “Australia”. Allstralia and Allstralian are MATHEMATICAL concepts.
The ALL in ALlstralia is intended to convey the meaning of being an Inclusive Australia or an ALL inclusive concept of Australia. ALlstralia is such a great concept that the first TWO letters can be CAPITALS. [it won't affect Google, REGARDLESS OF FONT.]
Australia is the ENTITY that is our country and nation. It is the whole that is Australia; the expanse of land, the nation, the country, and its essence. Whereas, ALLSTRALIA is the SET of ALL parts of Australia from the block of land, the concept, the nation, all parts of Australia, however composed, down to atoms, electrons, photons and continuing, that go to make up Australia. Hence, ALlSTRALIAN universities is a subset of ALLSTRALIA, as is ALLSTRALIAN Alumni. This is a further step in bringing a mathematical rigor to language.
These words and concepts have significance on many levels. One level is the SOUND or phonetics of the words. 'ALL' sounds very similar to 'OR', as in the pronunciation of Orstralia, as the English or New Zealanders may call Australia. What will happen, is that in an effort to differentiate the sounds, People will pronounce Allstralian with the accent on the 'All' with a pause after that to emphasize the 'All' with the result that it will sound more like 'All Australian'.
Another level is on the visual. 'LL' appears at first glance like 'U', more so depending upon the font.
However, we were aware that 'LI' [as in LISA looks like USA], has an even greater resemblance to 'U'
than does 'LL'. Hence the words 'ALISTRALIA' and 'ALISTRALIAN'. Now, when pronounced,
'Alistralian' sounds similar to Un-Australian, especially with a deference to 'Strine. Continuing with the
mathematical construct, we define 'ALISTRALIA' to be the set of all things/elements that are not
'ALLSTRALIA'; in fact the complement of Allstralia, or, mathematically, NOT Allstralia. Hence with the
two words Allstralia and Alistralia we have identified the whole universe and everything in it, as they relate
to Australia.
Of course, by mixing in a lower case 'l' as the second 'l' in 'ALL' , we gain another 'vision'.
Let us now consider different fonts for the two words in the three forms.
We write and PUBLISH this journal with this detail to ensure we retain ALL intellectual property in the WORDS and CONCEPTS, ALLSTRALIA and ALISTRALIA, and all derivatives thereof.
Would you believe that it just occurred to me that Google will 'love' all those repeats of our new words?
Attention MEDIA BUYING AGENTS: Discover the cost-benefit
imperative of advertising in our journals.

< Open Letter to: > Journal [OLt:]   &
  Australian Disability Law Journal [ADLJ]  >
We expect the ADLJ to become our FLAGSHIP journal.

NEW CHECK OUT our <Dossier of:> Journals.  They add a whole new dimension to our publishing.    GOOGLE  will index them.  Check out who has been "Dossiered" this month & WHY.

HAIGREPORT Publications [published by Russell Mathews]:

Latest Journals published 16 July, 2007     Next Publication date:  13 August, 2007. [make a note in your diary]
and cumulative index by date of publication.
Catalogue of Journals with Coles references. Count the 5 journals leading with the "Coles_Salute" photo.

4  2  1 .  .  .  .[click on photo, or here]
                  Coles                          and          Wesfarmers

Other Publications:   [Other (peer reviewed) Publications: [click here]]

Law Publications:
Australian Accounting Law Journal.                 ISSN: 1321-4462
Australian Administrative Law Journal.           ISSN:
Australian Banking Law Journal.
                    ISSN: 1321-4454

Australian Centrelink Law Journal [ACentLJ]   ISSN 1834-8823
Australian Consumer Law Journal.                  ISSN: 1834-724X
Australian Corporations Law Journal.             ISSN: 1321-747X
Australian Crime Prosecution Law Journal.    ISSN: 1321-4500
Australian Criminal Law Journal.                     ISSN: 1321-6562
Australian Disability Law Journal  [ADLJ]      ISSN  1834-9609
Australian Employment Law Journal.               ISSN: 1321-5957
Australian Family Law Journal.                         ISSN: 1321-5949
Australian FOI Law Journal                               ISSN:

Australian Human Rights Law Journal.             ISSN: 1321-4446

Australian Industrial Relations Law Journal      ISSN 1834-8378
Australian Insolvency Law Journal.                    ISSN 1321-618X
Australian Judiciary Law Journal.                       ISSN 1321-4497
Australian Law Book Review.                             ISSN 1324-034X

Australian Legal Profession Law Journal [ALPLJ]   ISSN 1321-7496
Australian Parliamentary Law Journal [AParlLJ]     ISSN 1321-5930
Australian Privacy Law Journal [APLJ]                     ISSN 1834-5611

Australian Small Business Law Journal.             ISSN: 1321-5787

Australian Social Engineering Law Journal.        ISSN: 1321-5795
Australian Tax Planning Law Journal.                  ISSN: 1321-5779
Australian Taxation Law Journal.                          ISSN: 1321-7488

Australian Telecommunications Law Journal         ISSN: 1321-4470
Australian Topical Law Journal.                              ISSN: 1321-3822

Our Mission:
AuLP  intends to follow the philosophy of Google: ie not charge the people who want to use the resources.   We intend to not charge those who wish to read our journals, or those who wish to be published in those journals.  You, our customers will have performed some form of "work"or effort to obtain the benefit.   Instead of charging you a fee for goods or service,  we hope to make our revenue [to pay the inevitable costs that will need to be met], by charging those who can benefit from your activity, but still ensuring their activities in gaining their benefit, are not intrusive to you, the user, but to your benefit.

Hence, the goal of AuLP is NOT to sell subscriptions.  Subscriptions to print versions will be available.  All published material will be freely [subject to copyright] available, via this website,  for non-commercial use. Readers will be able to subscribe and so receive the journal in their Inbox immediately the Journal is published.  This should ensure a better readership, and sooner, for published articles.

We will not be attempting to "drive" our publications, but rather we intend to be RESPONSIVE to the desires of our users: Academics who wish to be published and also read these articles.   Subcribe to our Mailing list: [email protected] by visiting

Initially, publication will be in the area of LAW, and in Australia, but we intend to expand this, INITIALLY, still within law to the world [the coverage of the Internet] and then into other areas of  Academic publication.  We have established an opt-in free Mailing list to determine YOUR VIEWS which will definitely determine how we will progress.  Please subscribe and send your views and what you would like to achieve from our endeavours as publishers.  Your views will be posted to that mailing list, with the aim of finding a common view.   PLEASE SUBSCRIBE:

Libraries are merging with the Internet.  We intend to avail ourselves, as Publishers, of the PERSISTENCE  value of libraries: so that your published work is not transitory.  There are various aspects to this.  Some libraries may actually "mirror" our site and hold a copy of our publications on their server.  We intend to archive all our publications OnLine.  We intend to avail ourselves of the PURL, Persistent URL, a service maintained by some libraries to take account of the changes that occur with URLs on the Internet.  However, with goolge, your published articles will be readily found where-ever they are located on the internet.
The crucial component in this consideration is quality of publication, as always, but which has been so often omitted with Internet publications.   Hence, Peer Review is pivotal.

We intend to establish on this website a database of Academics who may wish to produce, be a Guest Editor, or review articles in any Academic pursuit.  That will be user entered data.  Some data will be public and some will be confidential.  That will need to be determined.    For instance, some, more relevant information, will be made available to persons who are undertaking a Guest  Editorial role.  That would be those academics who have indicated a willingness review articles in that paticular area.

This will be a progressive undertaking.  We are already publishing and this will continue as we have paid subscribers.   Even before the Peer Review and Guest Editor database aspects are implemented, we will be publishing more issues and titles of journals.   The improved standing of our publications will evolve.  However,  early publications will be archived along with the later higher standing peer reviewed articles.  Hence, we are suggesting that Academics who wish to be published, will find there will be fewer hurdles to being published, the sooner they apply.   We expect the standing and reputation of our publcations to rise with time.   With the power of the internet, we expect this rise to be quite rapid.

Australian Accounting Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-4462
Australian Administrative Law Journal.
ISSN: 1321-4489
Australian Banking Law Journal.
ISSN: 1321-4454
Australian Corporations Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-747X
Australian Crime Prosecution Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-4500
Australian Criminal Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-6562
Australian Employment Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5957
Australian Family Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5949
Australian FOI Law Journal   ISSN:
Australian Human Rights Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-4446
Australian Insolvency Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-618X
Australian Judiciary Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-4497
Australian Law Book Review. ISSN: 1324-034X
Australian Legal Profession Law Journal. ISSN:
Australian Parliamentary Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5930
Australian Privacy Law Journal.   ISSN: 1834-5611

Australian Small Business Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5787
Australian Social Engineering Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5795
Australian Tax Planning Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-577
Australian Taxation Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-7488
Australian Telecommunications Law Journal ISSN: 1321-4470
Australian Topical Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-3822

Australian Accounting Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-4462

Australian Administrative Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-4489

Australian Banking Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-4454

Australian Corporations Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-747X

Australian Crime Prosecution Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-4500

Australian Criminal Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-6562

Australian Employment Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5957

Australian Family Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5949

Australian Human Rights Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-4446

Australian Insolvency Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-618X

Australian Judiciary Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-4497

Australian Law Book Review. ISSN: 1324-034X

Australian Legal Profession Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-7496

Australian Parliamentary Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5930

Australian Small Business Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5787

Australian Social Engineering Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5795

Australian Tax Planning Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-5779

Australian Taxation Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-7488

Australian Telecommunications Law Journal ISSN: 1321-4470

Australian Topical Law Journal. ISSN: 1321-3822

aThe University of Queensland Alumni Journal       ISSN: 1834-660X    [UQAJ]a

Peer Review:


4  2  1 .  .  .  .
                  Coles                          and          Wesfarmers


The HAIGREPORT TOPIC Category Directories Listing:
Worm farming, Composting and Recyling:
Australia's WATER CRISIS:
Open Letters:
About HAIG:  Who is HAIG?
Bullies Gallery:
How the AUSTRALIAN CORRUPTION has inspired EVIL Hughie
Corruption in the Australian Anglican Church.




Latest Journals published 23 April, 2007     Next Publication date:  21 May, 2007. [make a note in your diary]

Publisher: Australian Law Publishers Pty Ltd [ACN 010 615 933] E: [email protected]

254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067. Skype: russellmathews
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA


Find the cheapest 1300 and 1800 phone numbers; marketing; free 1300 numbers; free 1300 phone numbers; free 1800 phone numbers; free 1800 numbers; 1300 numbers, cheap 1300 numbers, cheapest 1300 number service, 1300 phone numbers, - Cheap 1300 &amp; 1800 Numbers &amp; Calls, Get A Free Business Listing ; hitcity ; ; ;  "We Have What You Want!  Cheap Australia Wide  1300 Number and 1800 Number  1300 Number and 1800 Number Call Rates"

Simply Put, Our Rates Sell Themselves ; Quick Summary Plan Selection Comparison Chart ;

They advertise, but beware: "Dow Royle Telecommunications specialises in telecommunication reverse charges networks across Australia" and "assessing the quality of it's online and offline advertising campaigns".  hitcity and telcoworx are other business names they use.

BEFORE YOU APPLY PLEASE CHOOSE A 1300 OR 1800 NUMBER from the list of immediately available 1300 numbers and 1800 numbers by clicking here.   Apply Now!

The above in red is the spin of dow royle et al.  These are the lies that they are promulgating. Believe it at your peril: BEWARE of these financial BULLIES.

BEWARE of Dow Royle and their "BILLING PLATFORM".
























